Regal Joint Health Spray 200ml

Regal Joint Health Spray 200ml

R 170

Regal Joint Health Spray is a topical herbal remedy to promote joint flexibility, encourage more active mobility while reducing stiffness and discomfort for enhanced overall joint functioning. Regal Joint Health Spray is formulated with Devil’s Claw and White Willow Bark, which are traditionally known for anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. Here’s to freedom of movement for your very best friend.

How to Use:

Apply to affected areas twice daily. Gently moisten the areas to be treated with the spray. You may need to lift the fur or work it in through the fur to help it contact the skin. For acute conditions, use may be increased to three times a day. For best results use strictly as per dosage recommendation. Please consult your veterinarian if symptoms do not clear or get worse. For external use only. Shake well before use. May cause discolouration to light coats or skin.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients. Deep or gaping wounds such as puncture wounds.


For external use only. THIS PRODUCT DOES NOT REPLACE VETERINARY CARE. WHERE SYMPTOMS PERSIST, DISCONTINUE USE AND CONSULT A HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONER NOT SUITABLE FOR CATS. Do not give to pregnant or lactating dogs. Safe for dogs 6 months and older. Do not give to your pet if he or she is on blooding thinning medication or suffering from anaemia, diabetes, stomach/duodenal ulcerations or gall stones. If in doubt please contact your veterinary surgeon before using this product.

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